Use Case

At Petkroft, we believe in using technology to improve the lives of pets and their owners. Our flagship product, the Pet Health Tracker, is a powerful tool for monitoring pet health and wellness in real-time. Here are just a few of the ways that the Pet Health Tracker can be used:

Retail Consumers

Pet owners can use the Pet Health Tracker to monitor their pet’s health and wellness in real-time, providing peace of mind and allowing them to take proactive steps to prevent potential health issues. The Pet Health Tracker can also help pet owners track their pet’s activity levels, ensuring that they are getting enough exercise and preventing obesity, a common health issue in pets.

Pet Insurance Companies

Pet insurance companies can incorporate the Pet Health Tracker into their policies to gain a more complete picture of a pet’s health and wellness. By monitoring a pet’s vital signs in real-time, insurance companies can detect potential health issues early and take proactive steps to prevent them, leading to lower healthcare costs for pets and fewer claims for insurance companies.

Learn more – Pet Insurance Companies


Veterinarians can use the Pet Health Tracker to monitor their patients’ health and wellness remotely, allowing them to provide more personalized and proactive care. The Pet Health Tracker can also help veterinarians detect potential health issues early and take proactive steps to prevent them, leading to better outcomes for their patients.

Pet Shelters and Rescue Organizations

Shelters and rescue organizations can use the Pet Health Tracker to monitor the health and wellness of their animals, ensuring that they are in good health and ready for adoption. The Pet Health Tracker can also help shelters and rescue organizations detect potential health issues early and take proactive steps to prevent them, improving the overall health and well-being of the animals in their care.

Pet Food and Nutrition Companies

Pet food and nutrition companies can use the data collected by the Pet Health Tracker to develop more personalized and effective products. By analyzing data on a pet’s activity levels, sleep patterns, and other vital signs, pet food and nutrition companies can create products that are tailored to a pet’s specific needs, improving their overall health and wellness.

At Petkroft, we’re proud to offer a product that has so many potential use cases and can make such a positive impact on the world of pet health and wellness. If you’re interested in learning more about how the Pet Health Tracker can be used in your industry, please don’t hesitate to contact us.